These studies on a wide variety of topics were conceived and conducted by practicing librarians in Colorado. Libraries participating in such studies are usually self-selected and therefore not necessarily representative of larger groups of which they may be a part. While these studies do not necessarily report results that can be generalized, they do present some real, though merely illustrative, data on topics of current interest.
Reports on Diversity and Inclusivity (May 2010)
The Future of Diverse Libraries
Key Informants: Opinions and Advice on Special Populations
The Colorado Special Populations & Issues Committee conducted two surveys of the status of library services to various special populations during 2009/10. The first, “The Future of Diverse Libraries,” is a survey from library staff members and indicates benchmarks, needs, and future steps. The second, based on personal interviews with leaders, “Key Informants: Opinions and Advice on Special Populations,” gives perspectives and general guidance. Together, the reports provide a resource for all types of libraries when considering development of their services.
[Provided by: B. McCune & H. Baker, Special Populations Committee.]
Library Sponsored Events and Programming Promotion Ideas (January 2010)
Responses to a Libnet post requesting information about how to best market library sponsored programs to patrons.
[Provided by: D. Arment, Durango Public Library.]
Showing Films at the Library (July 2009)
Responses to a Libnet post requesting information about libraries that show films to the public.
[Provided by: T. Bannon, Denver Public Library.]
ID Requirements for Library Card Registration (May 2009)
Information was collected in March of 2009 by Heidi Baker of the Special Populations Committee. Information was collected from several questions posed to the Libnet and REFORMA-CO listservs.
[Provided by: H. Baker, Special Populations Committee.]
Resources for Recycling and Disposing of Weeded Books (April 2008)
A compilation of resources for the responsible disposal of library materials.
- Recycling in Libraries
includes a summary of the responses from two Libnet inquiries regarding weeding and disposal policies at public, school, academic, and special libraries.
- No Store: Resell, Reuse, Recycle Library Materials
is a CLiC program that helps libraries easily and efficiently discard weeded or donated material.
- Weeding
is a list of resources collected for Library People, Colorado’s statewide friends group. Updated by the Library Research Service August 2010.
[Provided by: J. Maley, Windsor Middle School; K. Kase, Estes Park Public Library; L. Priebe, CLiC; and M. McGrath and Bonnie McCune, Colorado State Library.]
Defining successful programming in public libraries (April 2009)
A summary of responses to questions about public library programming, posed to Libnet
[Provided by: G. Craig, High Plains Library District.]
Therapeutic Reading Programs and Reading Education Assistant Dogs (February 2009)
Responses to a Libnet question on therapeutic reading programs and reading education assistant dogs.
[Provided by: S. Hager, Colorado State Library.]
Carpet Cleaning Survey (November 2008)
A summary of responses to questions posed to Libnet carpet cleaning in libraries.
[Provided by: D. MacLeod, Colorado Talking Book Library.]
Language Competency and Hiring Survey (September 2008)
Responses to a REFORMA question about whether libraries or local governments evaluate second language skills of applicants, provide an incentive to second language speakers, or pay for language training for library staff.
[Provided by: E. Rivera, Boulder Public Library.]
ILS Used by the Rocky Mountain Chapter and Solo Division of SLA (September 2008)
A summary of responses to an RMSLA question about ILS systems used by members
[Provided by: M. Scully and E. Lynch, Mountain States Employers Council.]
Criminal and Credit Checks on Employees and Volunteers (August 2008)
Responses to a Libnet inquiry about the use of criminal and credit checks for employees and volunteers.
[Provided by: C. Perrault, Estes Park Public Library.]
Programming Policies and Evaluation (May 2008)
A summary of a Libnet inquiry regarding public library programming policies and evaluation. Includes examples from a variety of public libraries.
[Provided by: A. Winkel, Grand County Library District.]
Best Practices–Scanning in Libraries (December 2007)
Summary of responses from a Libnet inquiry regarding the best methods for scanning large volumes of library materials.
[Provided by A. Zimmer, Colorado State Publications Library]
Minors’ Use of the Internet in Libraries (December 2007)
Summary of responses from a Libnet inquiry regarding policies for minors’ Internet use.
[Provided by S. Messick, Woodruff Memorial Library]
Colorado Latinos and Information: Key Informant Interviews with Latino Organizations (September 2007)
Summary of a Service Learning Project on how Latinos in Denver utilize libraries and the Internet.
[Researched and Compiled by C.L. Meis, Master of Library and Information Science Student at the University of Denver]
Information-Seeking Behaviors of Spanish-Speaking Populations: An Annotated Bibliography
A review of research on the information-seeking behaviors of Spanish-speakers.
[Researched and Compiled by C.L. Meis, Master of Library and Information Science Student at the University of Denver]
Instant Messaging in Small Academic Libraries (July 2007)
Summary of a Libnet inquiry regarding instant messaging in small academic libraries.
[Provided by G. Gunderson of Colorado Christian University Library]
Instant Messaging in Public Libraries (May 2007)
Summary of responses to a Libnet inquiry regarding whether Instant Messaging is being allowed in public libraries.
[Provided by S. Lathrop, Clear Creek County Library District]
Graphic Novels in Public Libraries (April 2007)
Summary of responses to a Libnet inquiry regarding graphic novels in public libraries.
[Provided by L. Hankins, Boulder Public Library]
Employee Evaluations for Public Library Staff (January 2007)
Collection of examples of employee evaluations currently being used in Colorado public libraries.
[Provided by S. Keefer, Library Director, Las Animas-bent County Library District]
Internet Filtering in Public and Private Schools (September 2006)
Summary of a survey posted to Survey Monkey regarding the implementation and effectiveness of internet filtering in schools.
[Provided by L. Smith, Retired school librarian]
Teacher Librarians/Media Specialists at the Elementary Level (June 2006)
Summary of a survey posted to CoSLL regarding the numbers of Teacher Librarians and Media Specialists in Colorado elementary schools.
[Provided by C. Masson, St. Vrain School District]
Materials Spending of Comparable Front Range Libraries (April 2006)
Charts and graphs demonstrating annual materials spending of selected front range libraries.
[Provided by S. Wasiecko, City of Aurora, Library, Recreation & Cultural Services]
Library Materials Security (March 2006)
Summary of responses to a Libnet inquiry regarding library materials security.
[Provided by C. Perrault, Estes Park Public Library]
Coffee Shops in Libraries (March 2006)
Summary of responses to a libnet inquiry regarding coffee shops in libraries.
[Provided by J. Welch, Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library]
Magazines and Databases in School Libraries (February 2006)
Summary of a libnet inquiry regarding magazines and databases in school libraries.
[Provided by J. Miller, La Junta High School Library]
Shelving Foreign Language Materials (February 2006)
Responses to a libnet inquiry regarding shelving foreign language materials in public libraries.
[Provided by A. Winkel and M. Guziur, Fraser Valley Library]
Purging Patron Records (January 2006)
Responses to a Libnet inquiry regarding purging patron records in public libraries.
[Provided by S. Nordholm, Summit County Library]
Centralized Phone Systems (November 2005)
Responses to a LITA inquiry regarding Centralizing Phone Systems.
[Provided by J. Corrente, Araphaoe Library District]
Teaching Computer Classes at Public Libraries (September 2005)
Responses to a Libnet and Publib request for information regarding Teaching Computer Classes at Public Libraries and the various issues involved.
[Provided by V. Patrick-Downs, Pikes Peak Library District]
Internet Sign-Up and Patron Phone Calls Survey (July 2005)
L. Shaw, Director of the Elbert County Library District, completed an Internet Use survey on how patron phone calls are handled. Most of the libraries surveyed were small and medium sized including Douglas County and PPLD.
[Provided by L. Shaw, Elbert County Library District]
Daily Time Limit on Public Internet Terminals (July 2005)
Responses include whether public libraries have a maximum time limit on their public internet terminals, what that maximum time is, and whether they allow access to chat rooms and instant messaging.
[Provided by H. Long, Englewood Public Library]
2005 Nationwide Survey of State Aid to Public Libraries (May 2005)
Responses from states regarding whether and how they offer state aid to their public libraries.
[Provided by D. Carty, Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners]
The Legality of E-Mailing Library Patrons (May 2005)
Includes responses to the following query: “One of my library board members wants to email library patrons with information about our upcoming library building project/fund raiser and about de-Brucing our library district. Is this legal?”
[Provided by G. Beatty, Nederland Community Library]
Christian Fiction Labels (March 2005)
Answers to the question: Is there anyone out there using “Christian fiction” labels for some of their collection and have you had any legal challenges?
[Provided by J. LaRue, Douglas County Libraries]
Storage of Oversized Books (January 2005)
Responses to a Libnet request for best methods of shelving oversized books.
[Provided by A. Selby, Bud Werner Memorial Library]
Foreign Language Collections (August 2004)
Information about foreign language holdings at central Colorado public libraries.
[Provided by S. Kaller, Arapahoe Library District]
Library Book Sales
This information about public library book sale earnings comes from a Libnet exchange initiated on July 5, 2004 by Carol McArdell from the Pitkin County Library.
Shelving Reference and Periodicals in the Main Body of the Library’s Collection (July 2004)
These comments are from a May 2004 Libnet listserv exchange about the advantages and disadvantages of shelving reference materials and/or periodicals with the main body of a library’s collection. The comments are quoted with the permission of the authors.
Filtering Report to Colorado Libraries (May 2004)
This report summarizes the findings of a survey about filtering conducted by Eloise May, Director of the Arapahoe Library District.
[Provided by E. May, Arapahoe Library District]
Salary Schedules and Policies (February 2004)
This file contains responses to a Libnet posting requesting information regarding merit and cost-of-living raises offered by Colorado Public Libraries
[Provided by P. Smith, Mancos Public Library District]
Library Fax Services (September 2003)
Data presented here include the answers given by public libraries to four questions about the fax services that they do or do not provide to the public, including whether they offer the service, how much they charge, if they require a cover sheet, and how much staff time it entails.
[Provided by B. Baxendale, Aurora Public Library]
Staff Children in the Workplace (August 2003)
This file contains the responses to a query posted to Libnet in August 2003 asking librarians to provide their libraries’ policies for employees’ children in the workplace. A library-by-library account of responses is provided.
[Provided by N. Buchanan, Adams County Library System]
Library Closures on Mondays Following Sunday Holidays (May 2003)
The question, “If a designated holiday, such as Christmas Day or Independence Day, falls on a Sunday, do you close your library on the following Monday to celebrate the holiday?” was posted to Libnet in May 2003 and this information is the result of that query.
[Provided by M. Harrison, Elbert County Library District]
Self Check Out Machines (March 2003)
This data is the result of a query posted on Libnet in March 2003 asking for usage statistics of self check out machines in all types and sizes of libraries. Comments and a study description are included on the first page of the workbook.
[Provided by D. Van Tassel, Louisville Public Library]