
Colorado Public Library Paraprofessionals Experienced, Well-Educated Good Candidates for Future Leadership, but They Need Incentives

February 2005

Colorado’s public libraries boast a wealth of experienced, educated paraprofessionals, according to responses to Retirement, Retention, and Recruitment: The Future of Librarianship in Colorado, a study recently released by the Library Research Service. Many of them could be in line for credentialed librarian leadership positions in the near future. For the purpose of consistency in […]

Pricing Trends for Public Library Print Materials

November 2004

Colorado’’s public libraries have recently been faced with new challenges concerning the management and maintenance of their collections. Following significant wholesale and jobber price increases in the early and mid-1990s, prices paid by public libraries for books, periodicals, and other information resources have continued to rise. The Library Research Service (LRS) has continued to monitor […]

Colorado Public Libraries and the 2004 November Elections

Colorado voters had a mixed response to requests for increased funding for libraries across the state. Five of 8 ballot initiatives to raise mill levies passed, and 1 bond initiative failed. Voters in the Florence area approved a ballot initiative to create a new library district, while Mesa County voters rejected a bond issue for […]

Children’s Summer Library Use

September 2004

Children’s use of public libraries during the summer after kindergarten is affected by household socio-economic status (SES) and the availability of a neighborhood library, according to a new Issue Brief from the National Center for Education Statistics.[note]National Center for Education Statistics (September 2004). The Summer After Kindergarten: Children’s Activities and Library Use by Household Socioeconomic […]

National Averages Outstrip Colorado Public Librarian Salaries

July 2004

Gains in librarian salaries at Colorado’s larger public libraries (i.e., those serving populations of 25,000 or more) have lagged behind salary gains for their counterparts nationally over the last two years. Colorado’s public librarians also earn less than the national average for some types of positions, according to the American Library Association’s (ALA) annual salary […]

The Colorado Advocacy Project

June 2004

The Colorado Advocacy Project, Colorado’s @your library Campaign, is a very successful statewide advocacy campaign containing elements of public relations, marketing, and community relations to build visibility and support for the state’s libraries. Funded by LSTA and sponsored by the Colorado Association of Libraries, it has been active since 2002 and is scheduled for completion […]

Children’s Services in Colorado Public Libraries

May 2004

Children’s services have traditionally been an important part of most public libraries. Libraries try to cultivate love of reading and school readiness skills through story times, programming, and building good children’s collections. Recent research establishing the critical importance of early learning and stimulation to child development and later success in school confirms the importance of […]

Differences in Home, School, and Library Use of the Internet by At-Risk Students, 2001

April 2004

According to an October 2003 report from the National Center for Education Statistics, 2 out of 5 children and teens rely on the Internet to complete school assignments (see Chart 1 in full report). One-third of the respondents to the 2001 survey reported using the Internet to communicate with others via e-mail and to play […]

Colorado Public Libraries and the 2003 November Elections

January 2004

Colorado’s November 2003 elections produced disappointing results for public libraries in the state, a reflection that voters are feeling the effects of the economic downturn and are reluctant to pass tax increases. Overall only 6 of 13 ballot issues for increases in public library funding were successful. Mill levy increases to operate libraries fared better […]