
Colorado’s @your library Advocacy Campaign Evaluation

July 2004

The Colorado Advocacy Project, Colorado’s @your library Campaign, is a statewide advocacy campaign sponsored by the Colorado Association of Libraries. It contains elements of public relations, marketing, and community relations to build visibility and support for libraries and has been active from 2002 through October 2004 with three components: The Initiative (Coach/Player) Project; Public Relations/Marketing […]

Intellectual Freedom Issues in Colorado Libraries: Concerns, Challenges, Resources, and Opinions

April 2004

This project was conceived by the Colorado Association of Libraries’ (CAL) Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) to shed light on intellectual freedom issues in Colorado libraries. Of particular interest to the IFC were ‘challenges to’ versus ‘concerns about’ materials and the Internet in libraries. There was anecdotal evidence that there were far more concerns being raised […]

Budget Cuts and Their Impact on Library Services to Coloradans

January 2004

In fall 2003, a survey commissioned by the Strategic Issues and Emergency Response (SIER) Committee of the Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) and administered by the Library Research Service (LRS) measured the extent of local budget cuts to libraries across Colorado. The Budget Cut Survey found that cuts to local library budgets in the state […]

Adult and Family Literacy Activities in Colorado Public Libraries

November 2003

This study was commissioned by the Colorado Department of Education’s (CDE) Center for At-Risk Education (CARE) to learn about adult and family literacy activities taking place in Colorado’s public libraries. In the past there was federal funding available through the Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) for public library literacy activities. CARE wanted to learn […]

Colorado Courier Cost Comparison Study

April 2003

The Colorado Courier is a cooperative service of the seven regional library systems of Colorado. It provides delivery service for library materials to participating libraries across the state. The statewide courier service is administered by the Central Colorado Library System (CCLS) and funded by the seven regional library service systems. Participating libraries pay to use […]

Counting on Results: New Tools for Outcome-Based Evaluation of Public Libraries

November 2001

In recent years, public libraries have been urged to engage in outcome-based evaluation and decision-making. Organizations in both the private and public sectors have been hearing this call from funders for several years. When the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) was passed in 1996, the Institute for Museum and Library Services mandated outcome-based evaluation […]

Colorado Public Libraries & the “Digital Divide” 2002

October 2000

(corrected October 2004) Public libraries in Colorado are bridging the technology gap that is symptomatic of the “digital divide.” The availability of technology in public libraries fulfills a highly demanded patron need spanning all demographic groups. “The rate of growth of internet use in the United States is currently two million new internet users per […]