2005 Statistics and Input-Output Measures for Colorado School Libraries

These reports include complete data on hours of operation, schedule, staffing levels, staff activities, technology, collection holdings, usage, and expenditures. Results are compiled from answers submitted by the 700+ school libraries responding to the 2005 School Library Survey.PDF document

Colorado 2005 Data Elements

School Identification
School name, district, enrollment .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
Respondent Information
Name, title, phone .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
Service Hours per Typical Week
School hours, after-school, and summer hours .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
School Library Staffing per Typical Week
FTE of Librarians and Assistants, all schools .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
Teaching Approaches of Teacher-Librarians
Approaches used by teacher-librarians .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
Computer Information
Numbers of computers with library resources in the library and school .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
School Library Usage per Typical Week
Circulation, number of visits, and information-skills instruction, and ILL .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
School Library Collection
Books, reference, periodical subscriptions, audio, video, and subscriptions to databases .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
Annual Operating Expenditures
Books, materials in electronic formats, non-print materials, electronic access, and other expenses .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
Library Facilities
Square footage, shelving and seating capacities .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document

Colorado 2005 Analysis

49% of Colorado public schools responded to the 2005-06 School Library Survey. Benchmarks and state totals are estimated by weighting the responses from these schools to be representative of the state as a whole.

In this spreadsheet, information provided by schools responding to the survey is weighted to be representative of the state as a whole. Ratios for staffing, staff activities, usage, expenditures, and collections are organized both by size of school and by grade levels. The benchmarks include averages, 95th and 75th percentiles, and medians in the categories listed. .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
Benchmark Narrative
An explanation of how the 2005 Benchmarks are derived .pdfPDF document
Colorado School Library Survey 2005 Results
Complete data from 2005 school library survey respondents sorted alphabetically by school name .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document
State Totals
Total numbers in several categories including services, staff, collections, budget (All categories listed in one large spreadsheet) .pdfPDF document .xlsExcel document