CALCON11: It’s time to think outside the box!

Everyone’s heard of thinking outside the box, right? You know-the ability to break out of unconventional thinking and apply innovative ideas to problem solving. Well, now we invite you to explore ways of thinking outside the survey and using innovative methods to learn about the people who use your library.

Please join us at CALCON11 for:

Beyond the Survey: Innovative Techniques for Learning About Your Patrons

Friday, October 14, 2011, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, Snowberry

We’ll present 10 creative-and often fun-ways to engage your patrons, staff, and community and get the information you need. Bring your ideas, questions, and enthusiasm. We’d like to share our ideas and hear yours.

It’s time to think outside the survey!

~Linda, Lisa, & Nicolle