Author name: Leah Breevoort

Measuring Social and Emotional Learning Competencies in a Summer Learning Program

April 2020

  Denver Public Library (DPL), in collaboration with Library Research Service (LRS), was recently featured in School Library Journal. The article highlights DPL’s evaluation of their summer learning program and use of data to inform programmatic decision making. Below is a summary of the results. To learn more about their data collection methods, analysis, and […]

How to Compare Apples to Oranges

April 2020

As our brains process information, we constantly make comparisons. It’s how we decide if something is good or bad—by it being better or worse than something else. However, like apples and oranges, not all things can readily be compared, even if they appear similar enough on the surface. We often make this mistake with data […]

Overhead shot of children drawing images on large piece of paper.
March 2020

Climate change may be the theme of this year’s Earth Day celebration, but more and more, it is serving as a foundation for libraries.

Smiling young woman sitting on floor with laptop with ROI and graphics on wall behind her.
February 2020

A meta-analysis of findings from 38 previous library ROI studies found that, on average, the return value for public libraries is 4 to 5 times the amount invested.

Loneliness Reaches Epidemic Levels. Are Public Libraries the Cure?

February 2020

Libraries are not traditionally thought of as social spaces. Stereotypes of older women glaring over thick-rimmed glasses to shush talkative individuals pervade our pop-culture references. However, studies show that public libraries foster social support and decrease isolation. At a time when loneliness is being deemed a public health crisis in the United States, libraries are […]

How Libraries Help Students Evaluate Information in the Era of “Fake News”

January 2020

In the digital age, algorithms based on personal data allow information to find us as opposed to the other way around. Have we adequately prepared the next generation, who are predominantly accessing the world through social media platforms and search engines, to filter through the noise? In a 2019 survey of US secondary school librarians, […]